Chamber Orchestra

Chamber Orchestra


$1180 / semester
Program is Fully Covered by Scholarship

Tuition: Full Scholarship (see below)

No Audition Required for the 2024-2025 Season – Acceptance by Teacher Recommendation(see below)

It’s Easy to join the NSA Chamber Orchestra!

Step 1) REGISTER for the NSA Chamber Orchestra

Step 2) Send this link to your teacher so they can RECOMMEND you for the orchestra

Step 3) Follow the directions in the Welcome Letter! Please do not use CCSD student email addresses.

Acceptance will be based on Teacher Recommendations and ALL accepted students will be on FULL SCHOLARSHIP for the 2024-2025 Season.

Free 30 min private lessons will be provided to students who currently DO NOT have a private teacher. Music Teacher Recommendation for private lessons is required. 

A participation agreement is required to obtain the scholarship. Students should have a minimum of three years playing experience but exceptions will be considered. Students must register for this opportunity through the NSA website. - Please contact NSA is you have questions about the registration process, please call (702) 384-2787.

Seating Audition 24-25 Violin

Seating Audition 24-25 Viola

Seating Audition 24-25 Cello

Seating Audition 24-25 Bass

Rehearsals and Concert Schedule

Fall 2024


Monday 9, 16, 23, 30 – Rehearsals at NSA (6:30 - 8:00)


Monday 7, 14, 21, 28 – Rehearsals at NSA (6:30 - 8:00)


Monday 4, 18, 25 – Rehearsals at NSA (6:30 - 8:00)


Monday 2 – Rehearsal at NSA (6:30 - 8:00)

Wednesday 4 – NSA Gala  - Ruvo Center - Time:TBD

Sunday 8 – Winter Concert  Concert: 3:00pm, Dress Rehearsal: 12 noon


Spring 2025


Monday 13, 20 – Rehearsals at NSA (6:30-8:00)


Monday 3, 10, 24 – Rehearsals at NSA (6:30 - 8:00)


Monday 3, 10, 24, 31 – Rehearsals at NSA (6:30 - 8:00)


Monday 14, 21, 28 – Rehearsals at NSA (6:30 - 8:00)


Sunday 4 – Spring Concert:  3:00PM, Dress Rehearsal: 12 noon




The NSA Chamber Orchestra provides musical engagement opportunities to inspire students to achieve the highest level of technical skills possible while developing the dispositions necessary to become not only successful musicians but successful members of contemporary society.


NSACO members will achieve their full potential as an individual, learning how to conquer challenges, develop time management skills, prepare music independently, and become an integral part of a small ensemble where everyone is invested in the excellence of music learning and performing at the highest level possible.


NSACO’s alumni continue to play music in colleges and conservatories as music majors and young professionals long after they leave our care. They often go on to careers in professional orchestras, bands, and teaching positions around the world.